lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012


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We celebrate the 200th year aniversary of the first Spanish Constitution in 1812. It is called "La Pepa". If you want to know more about it, please follow the link to It is a very easy and funny way of learning as you are playing. For this reason some groups of students at the Institute have created several activities. Let me show you this Human Tower that students from the first course of "Técncio Superior de Actividades de Animación Físico-Deportivas" have done today. The first year students from PCPI Metal Work also took part in the bicentenary celebrations by making a metal figure of ´La Pepa´, which can be used as a pendant, a brooch, or a keyring. Students from the Second Year of "LENGUA DE SIGNOS" which is a Vocational Training course (High Level) has participated too ¡VIVE LA PEPA! ¡VIVA LA PEPA! Have a look at these bookmarks!!! aren´t they cool?!!! It is a fantastic job done by students from the First Year of "Técnicos en Preimpresión" (1PI). There are four different bookmarks. Silvia´s design is very classic. She researched well to include specific symbols including the logo of this important event. Irene´s design is very creative. She played around with the layout as well as the image of La Pepa. Jaime´s design is well thought out.He designed both sides of the bookmark using a superb font for the text. Alejandro´s design reminds me of Andy Warhol´s paintings. These four projects are excellent and their teachers who are Manuel Bordajandi and Victor Pazo should be proud. El trabajo que te presento sobre estas lineas ha sido realizado por los alumnos del primer curso de Cocina del PCPI.Este es el trabajo preparado por el profesor Juan M.Valderrama y sus alumnos!!, ¿Exquisito, eh? Jose David Triguero, profesor de EE MM de Educación Física ha organizado estas actividades para que dos alumnos del Centro de 2º del TSAAFD las desarrollen. Una vez organizadas y planificadas por los propios alumnos, estos tendrán que conseguir interesar a Centros de Primaria y que estos contraten dichas actividades para los alumnos de sus colegios. Los alumnos del TSAAFD deberán desarrollar un plan para lanzarlas y promocionarlas entre dichos Centros y así obtener algunos beneficios. Se trata pues de un proyecto enmarcado dentro de la Cultura Emprendedora que fomenta la Junta de Andalucía. NO PERDAIS LA OPORTUNIDAD DE APRENDER JUGANDO CON LA PEPA 2.0!!!

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